Precision Medicine is Personalized Care

We analyze your DNA, biometrics, and lifestyle activity to provide a blueprint for maximizing your health span and transcending normal in favor of optimal wellbeing.

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Genetics + Bloodwork
An in-depth analysis of your DNA and bloodwork serves as the foundation for a personal health plan.
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Diet + Nutrition
Nutrition underscores your overall health. We make personalized diet recommendations to fuel your body best.
Exercise + Recovery
Our experts provide tailored training regimes covering exercise and recovery to help you achieve your fitness goals.
We help you regulate your sleep cycle and improve your quality of sleep for restoration and optimal daily function.
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We make macro- and micronutrient recommendations to help you build a flourishing inner-ecosystem.
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In prioritizing mental and spiritual health, we help you build a consistent mindfulness practice for peace of mind.
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Chronic Disease
We calculate your risk for chronic disease and work to reduce the risk factors to improve your health span and longevity.

What does membership include?

Advanced Genetic Testing of 700,000+ SNPs
Advanced Bloodwork Testing of 68+ Biomarkers
55-Minute Annual Visit with a Board-Certified Precision Medicine Physician
Quarterly Follow Up Physician Visits
Quarterly Follow Up Lab Testing
50-page Personal Health Report
Thorough Medical History & Lifestyle Assessment
Unlimited Health Coaching Sessions
Personalized Health Plan Covering: Nutrition, Exercise, Recovery, Supplements, & more
Unlimited Messaging
25% Discount on Thorne Products
Advanced Testing Options
Biannual Biological Age Tests
Care Support for Prescriptions, Referrals, & more
What to Expect

Your Wellbeing Roadmap

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Health Intake

After joining Wild Health, you'll have an onboarding call with a Care Coordinator within two days. Meanwhile, you'll fill out a few intake forms around your medical history and goals.

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Health Coach Visit

Next up: your first health coach visit! During this session, you'll discuss health goals while your coach does an initial analysis – leaving you with action items to implement right away.

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Genetic Testing

Within a week, you'll receive a Wild Health Genetic Test Kit. This at-home, saliva-based DNA test is the foundation of Precision Medicine and the basis for our custom health plans.

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Initial Medical Consult

Next, you’ll meet with your board-certified Precision Medicine Physician. Together with your health coach, you’ll review your genomics, labs, health goals, and Personal Health Report.

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Personal Health Report

Following your IMC, you will receive a copy of your 50-page Personal Health Report, along with detailed notes from your providers, and your recommended health plan.

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Progress + Optimization

With your personalized health plan in motion, you will track progress and make adjustments to optimize your health – with the continuous support of your coach and dedicated care team.


Discover your timeline

Month 1
Joins Wild Health. Completes dna test, labs, medical history, and health questionaire.
Month 3
Meets with doctor and reviews all lab work and health report.
Month 6
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Month 9
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sollicitudin
Month 1
Joins Wild Health. Completes dna test, labs, medical history, and health questionaire.
Month 3
Meets with doctor and reviews all lab work and health report.
Month 6
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Month 9
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sollicitudin
Month 1
Joins Wild Health. Completes dna test, labs, medical history, and health questionaire.
Month 3
Meets with doctor and reviews all lab work and health report.
Month 6
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Month 9
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sollicitudin
Precision Medicine

Clinically Proven Results


boost in good cholesteral


reduced inflammation


decreased insulin resistance

Client Testimonials
What Wild Health members are saying:
Client Testimonials
What Wild Health members are saying:
"Wild Health has changed my life. I am working towards being in the best shape of my life. I have lost 38 lbs using the DNA and blood analysis as a tool. I have tried unsuccessfully doing this through research and consulting different sources. I am at a time in my life when I needed experts to guide me. Wild Health takes your mind/body to a new level. My coach has been AMAZING with her support and advice."

Christopher S.

Age 55 • Goal - Weight Loss

Client Testimonials
What Wild Health members are saying:
"Wild Health has met every expectation of what I always hoped health care would be like. I have received personal recommendations and attention to the areas that matter. For the first time I feel like someone is looking at my full health picture, lifestyle and persona and giving me lifelong recommendations. I’m extraordinarily pleased to have embarked on this journey."

Haley R.

Age 36 • Goal - Holistic Health

Client Testimonials
What Wild Health members are saying:
“Wild Health has changed my health journey and trajectory in just a short time – both physically and mentally – by providing holistic advice for not only my diet, vitamin regimen, and workout frequency, but also ways to influence my HPA axis through gratitude practice and increasing recovery strategies after workouts. These have been game-changers for my overall health, outlook, and workout recovery.”

Lindsey H.

Age 29 • Goal - Performance

Still have questions?
We've got answers.

What is the Wild Health Genetic Test Kit?
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Most of the medical world follows what are referred to as ‘general guidelines’ based on statistics to provide diagnoses and treatments that work for the majority of people. We created a proprietary DNA kit that reports on specific genetic single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that our physicians have hand-selected based on their importance to health, wellness, and human potential. These SNPs affect blood vessels, nutrient absorption, nerve function, performance, fatigue, and many other functions. Our approach requires us to focus first on the entire system, so we start with your DNA. We sequence your DNA to analyze the genetic advantages, predispositions, and disadvantages that make up your human operating system. Knowing this code is critical to personalizing a plan to optimize your health.

Will my genetic data be shared with anyone?
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We ONLY share information with whomever the patient tells us. If an insurance company requests medical records, we contact the patient to authorize the release. In 2008, Congress passed the Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act (GINA) to prevent the unauthorized release of information. You can read more about that HERE.

Who can I speak with before signing up?
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A member of our team would love to discuss your personal health goals and concerns to help determine if Wild Health’s Precision Medicine is a good fit for you. Please give our office a call at (859) 439-0400 anytime M-F from 9:00am-5:00pm EST or schedule a free informational consultation by clicking HERE.

How does Precision Medicine differ from traditional medicine?
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Most of the medical world follows what are referred to as ‘general guidelines’ based on statistics to provide diagnoses and treatments that work for the majority of people. In Precision Medicine, we start with your DNA and an extensive lab panel (if purchased) to get a holistic picture of your health. With your results, we review genetic factors unique to you, as well as personalized interventions to turn certain genes on or off – we can turn “on” your good genes with certain lifestyle choices. We combine all of this into a personalized health plan just for you.

Can an HSA or FSA card be used for payments to Wild Health?
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Yes - we accept both HSA and FSA cards. It is important to note that we always recommend that our patients reach out to these entities directly, as guidelines vary. 

Are any of the recommended vitamins or supplements included in the price?
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Wild Health has a partnered with Fullscript to offer a wide selection of high-quality supplements. Through this partnership, all of our patients receive a 15% discount on Fullscript's products, which are rigorously vetted so we feel comfortable recommending them to patients. Your Health Coach, in partnership with your Physician, will discuss which supplements are best for you.

Which labs are included in the Standard Plan?
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Wild Health covers the cost of a standard lab panel up to 4 times during one annual membership cycle. This includes 68 critical biomarkers that span various facets of health, ie. lipids, methylation, metabolism, hormones, and more. Any lab orders outside of a standard panel requested by your provider will be discussed and confirmed with you directly, and billed to you separately from your membership fees.

 What is a biological age test?
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Rather than your chronological age, this at-home test measures your epigenetic or biological age – how fast or slowly your body is aging at the cellular level. Determined by analyzing your DNA methylation, your biological age is more accurate for identifying factors affecting your aging rate. Aging is the leading risk factor for multiple chronic diseases, so the impact of slowing your biological aging process means, quite literally, adding more healthy years onto your life. For more information, please visit this page

I don't live near LabCorp or Quest. Where can I get my labs done?
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For any members that do not have a Quest or LabCorp within reasonable proximity, the lab order would need to be filled separately and submitted to insurance for reimbursement, if you so choose. Wild Health will compensate by providing one additional physician visit to make up for the cost of the labs.